How to use Google Drive? | alltypeideas

How to use Google Drive in this topic I will discuss completely that how to use google drive and how to access as well as What is google drive step by step with very easy way.

Google drive, how to use google drive, all type ideas, alltypeideas

What is Google Drive?

What is google drive, Google drive is a file sharing platform from here would be sent any large file like collection of images, videos, files and any large based software file with very easy and in simple way.I was made by Google on 24 April 2012.

How to use Google drive on PC

How to use Google Drive on PC will be found all manner in easy way that How to use Google drive in very simple way How to use Google drive on PC is too much need question on internet so follow all described steps in below.

How to use Google Drive?

How to use google drive? We should need to type in Google url bar drive/ then enter your Gmail id to access your google drive account .
how to use google drive

Now your google drive is open. Here you can know that how to use google drive.

How to upload file on google drive?

How to upload file on google drive is very simple. How upload files on google drive also easy and very amazing plz follow these steps:

how to upload files on google drive

1 – click on highlighted button mean on New or plus button

2 – Find out 3 option (Folder- File upload & Folder upload)

3 – If you need to upload your content on google drive then choose file upload or folder upload option according to your file type means you have to upload completely folder on google drive then choose folder upload option otherwise on file you have to so choose file upload option.

4 -  except 3 number option, if you need your file in separate in one folder so first create a folder means click one time on first option Folder, choose your folder name the double click on your created folder the choose any option both file upload and folder upload.

Share Google drive file

This is very incredible part of google drive that Share google drive file means How to share google drive file by link or you can say how to create google drive file link to share anywhere all over world so kindly follow very precious step:
First of all if you want to create any file link to share anywhere across the world so will have to follow below details according to showing above image.

1 – Right click on any file or folder, which file you want to share.

share file on google drive

2 – Click on Get sharable link option and proceed next moment.

3 – in the third step as you click on get Shareable link button will find a pop-up open box. 

share google drive link

4 – Now you will have to click on Sharing setting which highlighted with red aria.

5 – When you click at sharing setting will find this box.

how to make share link on google drive, how to create shareabel link on google drive

So now here you should take highlighted option as you click on highlighted button will open a new box. See below

how to upload files on google drive

At this point click again with highlighted area then choose on-anyone with this link. As you seeing in below image

share google drive link

After this click on save button the click on showing button (Copy Link) and press done button. Now past anywhere your link to read or access.

What are benefits of google drive?

Here what are benefits of google drive will be explained if you interested to know and boost your knowledge of benefits of google drive so read also carefully.

► Sharing large file quickly.
► Get sharable links immediately
► Store any file like Stories, Designing, Drawings, Recordings,   Videos & more  
► Fifteen GB free cloud storage
► See your file anywhere like in Computer, Laptop & Tablets as well as Mobile
► Invites quickly to others to view file, videos, collaborate on all the files which you want no email attachment needed.
► Safe all your security

How to use Google Drive on android?

How to use Google drive on android so after reading all above details will help that How to use Google Drive on android, so please read all above paragraph because all this is very similar.

Backup & Sync Google Drive

It is very most popular feature of Google drive which not use more people but very powerful feature can say. How to Sync Google drive with your pc and laptop, please follow very popular method.

► click right side on top bottom on setting (To sync and download Google drive with pc and laptop) as you seeing below image.

synce google drive

► Now you meet with a nice interface the click on download as you looking in the below image in highlighted area.

sync google drive

► Here after downloading can be found a box then choose your folder which you want to sync with Google drive and click below on next button for next step.

Google drive benefits

 ► according to below image can be clicked in highlighted area on start button. After completing all these process all your file will be synced automatically and you can access from anyplace.

features of google drive

Short Cut to use Google Drive on Web.

For display the keyboard short cut list in Google Drive, please press the Ctrl + / (Chrome OS, Windows) or ⌘ + / (Mac).

Navigation and views
Go to navigation panel (folders list)
g then n
g then f
Go to items view
g then l
Switch between grid and list in items view
Go to details pane
g then d
Go to top of application (Google bar)
g then t
Go to download status
g then a
Go to upload status
g then u
Show or hide details pane
Show or hide activity pane
Select items
Select or deselect item
Select next item down
Down arrow
Select next item up
Up arrow
Select next item to the left
Left arrow
Select next item to the right
Right arrow
Extend selection down
Shift + Down arrow
Extend selection up
Shift + Up arrow
Extend selection left
Shift + Left arrow
Extend selection right
Shift + Right arrow
Select all visible items
Shift + a
Clear all selections
Shift + n
Move between items
Move down without changing selection
Ctrl + Down arrow (Chrome OS, Windows)
+ Down arrow (Mac)
Move up without changing selection
Ctrl + Up arrow (Chrome OS, Windows)
+ Up arrow (Mac)
Move left without changing selection
Ctrl + Left arrow (Chrome OS, Windows)
+ Left arrow (Mac)
Move right without changing selection
Ctrl + Right arrow (Chrome OS, Windows)
+ Right arrow (Mac)
Take action on selected items
Open selected item
Rename selected item
Share selected items
. (dot)
Move selected items to new folder
Star or unstar selected items
Add selected items to an additional folder
(doesn't work within a shared drive)
Shift + z
Remove selected items
# or Alt + Backspace (Chrome OS)
# or Delete (Windows)
# or Fn + Delete (Mac)
Undo last action
Ctrl + z (Chrome OS, Windows)
+ z (Mac)
Redo last undone action
Ctrl + Shift + z (Chrome OS, Windows)
+ Shift + z (Mac)
Create new items
Shift + t
Shift + p
Shift + s
Shift + d
Shift + f
Shift + o
Open menus
Create menu
More actions menu
Current folder actions menu
Sort menu
Settings menu
Application actions
Display keyboard shortcuts list
Shift + /
Ctrl + / (Chrome OS, Windows)
+ / (Mac)
Choose next visual density
(row height and element spacing for list view)
q then q
Find/find next
Ctrl + f (Chrome OS, Windows)
+ f (Mac)
Ctrl + p (Chrome OS, Windows)
+ p (Mac)
Show last message
Search your Drive
Preview mode actions
Zoom in
+ or =
Zoom out

Thanks to reading.