How to earn money online Free

How to generate income and money online free this is a most important question to everyone that how to earn money online free in India and another country. In the view of mine mostly country has some freelancing platform to make money online for those kind of people who want to part home based job or need access to generate some pocket money or wish to earn more money so they can choose many type of plate form to earn money online. I will guide and explain fully step by step for your more satisfaction so read with attention this article may lead you to earn huge money in your life.
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Some guys want to make a career in office working sector but they have no huge or best salary package and the looms in city everywhere for best position and salary package even then not think about another fields like freelancing for making money for doing survey, ads watching, video watching, article reading and sharing, graphic designing, web developments, typing based job and many more while in India free of cost hundreds of millions method can be found easily to earn money free online so let us start.

Content Headlines of this Article

1 ) Be a third party dealer  
2 ) Be a Content Writer
3 ) Start a YouTube channel
4 ) Create a blog
5 ) Be a typist
6 ) Sell photos & Videos
7 ) Complete Survey & Task
8 ) Views Ads & Videos
9 ) Captcha filling

Be a third party dealer

This is very locked question may be someone not understand directly about this heading but I need an explanation that this is very simple and easy to make money for whom they don’t have any special skills like some types of Data Entry Operator, Graphic Designing, Web Designing & developing or any more skills like these. They will join freelancing platform and should make a professional profile and apply for work related to above descriptive categories, collect work and hand over to any specialist skills holder in your city or area market to complete that work. I think mostly people don’t have these secret keys so try one time may be give your luck to make a best career in this filed. So this is the third party work means first time your freelancing website collect work from employer after it those team upload work on their website and in last you collect and extend another person therefore you are the third party.

Be a Content Writer

It is very pleasure to know about this job for those people who has a good skills in writing articles in any field like Politics, history, health, novels, stories for children’s , Technical topics, blogging and in any type specialization. They can make beautiful career to earn money online for free at international level or national level. They should open internet browser then type in search engine how to make money online free or how to make money online by article writing or as a content writer. There are a lot of websites where easily visit and make profile as freelancer related to content writing.

Start a YouTube channel

If you want to make money online free, will create a YouTube channel it is also a very best way and method to earn money online. A huge of number mostly don’t care on this step which is so beautiful with bright opportunity if you have some special skills means should know some basic computer knowledge to operate pc or laptop then you can choose YouTube channel. In this filed you are new so visit YouTube and type in search box how to make YouTube video there a lot of way you can access.
It is most important also for whom who is a student, who is a doctor, who is speaker, who has technical skills, who has some special knowledge, who is fresher in job fields, who is a social worker, who is a more interested to make money on YouTube because it will work in future as portfolio for student, For Doctor to grab and making a best career in future to deal with customers like this anybody who needs part time job so this is very best and free method.

how to earn money online free, make money online

Create a blog

As a blogger you make a bright career in this fields many person in the world are using this way to earn money online free across the world people are earning thousands of dollar by advertising on their blogs. If you don’t have any ideas that how to create blog free and how to start blogging as career so please visit YouTube or on Google, type you question an get a lot of unique ideas to start a blog. Here is some free method in Google blogger and wordpress. I mean you have knowledge to write an articles so catch this tip you can start your blog in English, Arabic, Hindi, Urdu or any language.

Be a typist

If you are a good typist and have skills to type quickly in any language especially in English then you can earn money. You have to do create a best and unique resume and write in simple way your resume by which employer can hire you for this job you can join many freelancing website in national and international level for example here in below you can visit by this links:

Sell photos & Videos

You don’t know that you make money online by selling photos and videos so it is very easy you can capture your photos, natural’s photos, flowers, special occasion and of your area, city, places and many more like this so you can visit freelancing websites and create profile to sell your photos and videos because globally when need any person Indian photos for his film, documentary, and to any works where will be use India sight view so they buy and pay.
Visit some below websites:

Shutterstock -
500 Pixels -  

how to earn money online free, make money online

Complete Survey & Task

Any student or job holder can make money in this field by completing survey and task so please visit below website and apps.

Views Ads

You can make money online free by viewing ads and watching videos not more money but pocket money at least you can make if you have android mobile so in alone time go to play store and search your favorite apps to view ads and videos .

Captcha filling

If you are an employee and have leisure time in your office or home can make money online free by filling captcha in internet you can find more ways to earn money for captcha filling so here are some website please visit and make money.

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