Affiliate marketing concept

What is affiliate marketing and how to earn money by joining affiliate marketing? in India and foreign countries today it is very important question in affiliate marketing line.

Affiliate marketing concept, What is affiliate marketing?

In 21th century is changing everything, the way of earning money is being come changes, related to this topic I want to revel you that how to grab this opportunity of earning money in affiliate marketing so if you are a student, housewife, working professional & job seeker and need part time income then this is for you to earn money by doing work of part time jobs in which you can get money while sitting in home.

A thousand of companies like Amazon & Flipkart are promoting & marketing their business through affiliate marketing now we should look that how can we make and generate income with this part so first of all we should know about affiliate marketing that what would be affiliate marketing.

What is Affiliate marketing?
This system is divided into three part first Merchant, Second affiliate & third consumer.

Affiliate marketing Concept, What is affiliate marketing

You can understand this concept by above image for example you are an affiliate marketer and amazon is a merchant so you sell their products by promoting through consumer after purchase products you get your commission. How can you earn huge of money and other people what earning from this platform we will discuss in this article with details? I explains you step by step that how to earn money in field of affiliate marketing.

In a survey was found that internet users will increased till 2020 65 millions in India means equal to population of G7 countries like India, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom & United States would be user of internet in India which covers till 2020.

As Internet users are increasing in India, so e-commerce is also increasing and e-commerce 15% to 20% would be through affiliate marketing. Anyone can make a best career in affiliate marketing because estimate of affiliate marketing which was in 201 6 700 million will take place of 6000 million.

Affiliate marketing Concept, What is affiliate marketing

So now a days our commerce and business is taking place of internet marketing. have been seen in different cities a lot of customers don’t want to come for buying goods. You must have seen of your relations to buy anything book an order of their needed goods. In this age is going on a trend of affiliate marketing and a huge of e industry is coming through affiliate marketing because those companies was seeing a large scope in this filed like:
► Snap deal
► Make my trip
► Yatra
► Airbnb
► Heath Sites
► Banking Sector
► Insurance Sector
► Policy Bazar
► Groupon (as well as their advertising cost is coming a little bit).

By doing affiliate marking many bloggers are earning a huge of money

Kulwant Nagi (Indian blogger, Generating income through a link in million).

Kunal Chaudhary ( Indian blogger, Generating his income by affiliate marketing monthly near about 8 to 10 lacs)

How to join affiliate Marketing?

If you join affiliate marketing so here is some points:

► Choose a Category (like related to book, laptops, Watches, Mobiles, Health or which you thinks best according to your wishes).

► Register yourself as an affiliates ( go to websites on which you want to join and find a section Become an affiliate or join affiliate).

Affiliate Networks here you can find all merchants, After joining here you no need to register with different merchants because you can find out all merchants here like V commission, Optimise & Cuelinks when you would be a part of affiliate marketer so you have the choice to generate a link of each product.

How to sell?

Here are some ways to sell your products:

► Site/ Blog
► Social Media
► SMS/ Whatsapp
► Email
 In this which is the best way so I tell you that Create Website or Blogs which enables for you YouTube, Whatsapp, Twitter, Linkedln, Facebook, Email, Pinterest, Instagram & many more to share your products link.


So I want to say that if you have not listened this word please search a channel related to affiliate marketing take complete guidance and join affiliate marketing and earn much money free online.