Create Facebook account step by step:

  Facebook a most using social media platform of millions people how to create a Facebook account successfully and how to use with unique features of Facebook in this article today I will explain that how create Facebook account step by step.

How to create Facebook account, create facebook account

Facebook Introduction briefly:

Facebook was founded in February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Chris Hughes. Situated at Clifornia in United State which has per most amazing traffic in 308m according to a S.E.O tool. Now in every part of the world is being used by every type of age human even housewife and teenagers are engaged in huge of numbers in this network of social media. It’s using in chat, video calling, audio calling, sharing videos and images, articles, polls and with many important features, will read in the next step.

Important list of articles

1 ) How to create Facebook account step by step?

2 ) How to customize Facebook profile?
3 ) How to customize General settings of Facebook?
4 ) How to customize privacy settings & tools?
5 ) How to fix all type notification area?

How to sign up Facebook account step by step?

How to create Facebook account it is very simple and easy every person  can create with five personal information to sign up in Facebook account like First Name & Last Name, Mobile Number or email address (any type of email e.g. Gmail account, yahoo mail & Hotmail), Password, Date of birth and by selecting gender. Link of Facebook website to create account visit this link and create a free Facebook account and get enjoy.

How to customize Facebook profile?

Kindly customize your new account of Facebook step by step by following these below method.
1 ) Click on the add icon to customize your personal image.
2 ) Click left side of fb cover section on the top you can find a button named add cover photo.
3 ) find a menu bar below of fb cover as a Timeline, About, Friends, Photos & more. Click on these buttons and get customize your wishes option.
4 ) in fourth section you can find out more option to customization like Create post, Photo/video, Live video and Life event.
When you choose first option Create post, in this box you can share your images, videos, articles and many more as you want to discover of your life moments. Like this kindly click one by one and check all features.
5 ) In this part, meet with three important features New message, Create new group and option. Click on every option and check all features but option button is very cool and important you can find by clicking on this features 9 type of customization which are these Emoji, Block Setting, Collapse all chat settings Tab, Close all chat tab, Turn off chat tab, Turn of active status, Turn of Video/Voice Call and turn of Post Tabs.

How to customize Facebook profile?, How to create Facebook account

How to customize General settings of Facebook?

This is very important section of whole Facebook account if you optimize this part so you have covered may be 90 percent of Facebook settings, so let us start.
Click and Settings in Main Menu bar where you find a huge of numbers settings.

Click on General find in this part some features like Name, Username, Contact, Memorialization Settings & Identity confirmation.
Security & Login: Under this section you get enjoy by 12 amazing features of Facebook account

Choose friend to contact if you are locked out: It is reveling you that by mistake you forgot your password and have no idea to recover then enter your five friend which you have entered at the time this settings.

Where are logged in: you can check you logged in history by this option. 
Login: cover two options here like Change password and save your login information. According to you wishes customize you.
Two-factor Authentication: here are three option (1) Use two factor Authentication (2) Authorized Logins (3) App passwords.
With first step you can set sms login factor means any time and any where in new device you need login so here is necessary to open a password which will be sent by Facebook.
And under second option you will find a list of mobile computer and device where you use your account so from here you can customize. Under App Passwords you can set a password to open in mobile apps.

Find also these steps:

Get alerts about unrecognized device
☞ Choose three to five contact if you are locked out
☞ Encrypted notification emails
☞ Recover external account
☞ See recent emails from Facebook accounts

✪ Your Facebook information: find under this option
Access your information
Download your information
Activity Log
Managing your information
Deactivation & Deletion

How to customize privacy settings & tools?

► Privacy Settings & Tools
► Timeline & Tagging Settings
► Stories
► Location Settings
► Blocking Settings
► Language & Region Settings
► Face Recognition Settings

Privacy Settings & Tools

  This is a very unique feature of Facebook which enables you to customize you to help and find as well as who can see and check your profile was explained in this part. For example How people can find and contact you if you want to grant permission to search and look your post and profile by enabling everyone, private, only me, Friends & friends of friend.

How to create Facebook account, customize your facebook settings

Timeline & Tagging Settings:

In timeline section can customize everyone and take advantage of these services. Find out four type of customization which is below:
Who can post on your timeline?
Who can see what others post on your timeline?
 Allow others to share your post to their story?
Hide comment containing certain words from your timeline.
Like this you can find two option that who can see posts that you are tagged in on your timeline?
When you are tagged in a post, who do you want to add audience of the post if the cannot already see it. As well as check review also.

Stories section has also two customization on of them Allow others to share your public story to their own story?
Second same like above Allow people to share your stories if you mention them? You can customize this two option by Don’t Allow & Allow.

Location Settings
You can change your location settings in the app on your device. If you haven't got the app installed, locations cannot be received from the device.

Blocking Settings

Everybody can manage this section with most 7 important features which is below.
■Restrict List
■Block Users
■Block message
■Block app invites
■Block event invitation
■Block apps
■Block pages

Language & Region Settings
By 4 steps you can grab beautiful information.
 ■ Facebook language: Language for buttons, titles and other text from Facebook on this device
■Regional Format: Formats for dates, times and numbers
■Posts from friends and pages: Language into which you'd like to have posts translated
▬Languages for which you don't want to be offered translations
▬Languages that you don't want to be automatically translated
■Multilingual Posts: A feature that lets you post multiple language versions of a status.

How to fix all type notification area?

This aria has most important and useful 18 notifications those option covers all type notification please read below.

What notifications you receive:
● More activity about you
●Updates from friends
●Friends requests
● People you may know
●Birth Days
● Groups
●Pages you follow
●Fundraisers & Community reports
●Other notifications

How you receive notifications:

● Mobile notification by this you can enter your mobile number to customize for getting SMS and notification.

How to create Facebook account,How to create facebook account step by step

Public Post Filters and Tools:

This features also has 7 amazing settings see this section and customize them.
Who can follow me
Public Posts Comments
Public Post notifications
Public profile information
Comment ranking

Please read it and take your enjoyment (Learn more get more) Have nice day