In this article I will explain fully that how to rest gmail account password all in one means forgot Gmail account password, recover every things of Gmail problems like create an account forgot password, add mobile number, add security questions etc.
Due to different type of human kind who are facing and meeting with these problems in every part of the world especially with whom occurs who are in the stage of beginners like students, rural peoples in many Asia’s country.
Reset Gmail password, How to reset gmail password, forgot gmail password

Take Google search engine and type in Gmail account after that press with mouse on those link then find below some important steps:
 1  ) Use another account (click on this link )
 2 ) find a box to sing in but you will have to click on Create Account
3 ) will show to steps (1) For Me (2) To manage my business you should choose first of all as a For Me.
4 ) and the next step will show a form was written Create your Google Account to continue Gmail, the  fill up this form completely and proceed for the next step.
5 ) meet for second form Welcome to Google the enter mobile number, recovery email address optional, date of birth & select your gender for move to Google account.
Then find next step and click for verification on send or for another time to verification click not now .
6 ) Meet at the next step Google Privacy and Terms then scroll down and click on I agree.

Settings of Gmail Account:

Click on the right side bar on the top and find out settings button click on it aft that Configure Inbox and check all tabs to enable then save. After these step you will look a good interface of your inbox for future to receive an email with different type of interest and sections
  • 1)   Primary
  • 2)   Socials
  • 3)   Promotions
  • 4)   Updates
  • 5)   Forums

Kindly read out below all five descriptions:

Primary Tab in Gmail Account:

In Primary emails you can receive Personal messages and messages that don’t appear in other tabs will be shown here.

Socials Tab in Gmail Account:

In Socials emails you can receive Emails from social networks, media-sharing sites, dating services and other social sites will be shown here.

Promotions Tab in Gmail Account:

In Promotions emails you can receive Deals, offers and other marketing emails will be shown here.

Updates Tab in Gmail Account:

In Updates emails you can receive Confirmations, receipts, statements and other notifications will be shown here.

Forms Tab in Gmail Account:

In Forms emails you can receive Emails from online groups, discussion forums and mailing lists will be shown here.

Reset Gmail password, How to reset gmail password, forgot gmail password

Inbox Explanation:

By clicking on the right side bar you can find out inbox then you will have to click on it to access above five services as you have read, like Primary Tab, Socials Tab, Updates Tab, Promotions Tab, Forms Tab.

Starred Descriptions:

When you will click in primary section on any emails you can find out easily those emails in starred section or tab means  Stars let you give messages a special status to make them easier to find. To star a message, click on the star outline beside any message or conversation.

 Snooze Descriptions :

This is very best features in Gmail by Google means if you have any important email in your inbox please tick on that emails then apply for snooze as you applied will show a special time and date for next time to read this email again.

Sent Item:

When any email will be sent to other person will show in sent item.


For example you have typed any email for other person you can easily saved in draft to send for next time.

Now let us beginning for some Gmail account Tips & Trick which is very leading to use because mostly people not care or not look to the Gmail settings and features, first of all how to recover forgot password of Gmail accounts.

Follow these steps to Gmail account recovery:

  • 1)   Enter recovery email which was given at the time of Gmail account creations.
  • 2)   Get Confirm or enter registered mobile number of Gmail account.
  • 3)   Or enter month and year of Gmail account when was created.
  • 4)   And If you have not above information then Google will say  (We need some time to review your request ,Enter an email address where we can contact you later ) then enter an email address to which you access easily.

Reset Gmail password, How to reset gmail password, forgot gmail password

How to customize your Gmail account: (Gmail account Tips & Tricks)
  • 1)   If you are an employee in any sector or in a company and you have to send emails many of the groups or people so here you can short and save your precious time, to this follow these manners. Go to Google apps which looks on right side bar to top then click contacts and choose button on left side bar Create Label like computer groups or employee department of my office after that select button contact and create many emails then save now select all emails and save in created group just you have made them. After these steps go to compose an email and type group name in email section then took automatically those emails which you have saved in your group just in one click you can send emails so many people in one time.
  • 2)   In this step I will tell you that if another person ask for your Gmail account password to print any documents then refuse it and give him your account access at the place of your Gmail password now you go to Gmail settings and choose Accounts & Import  then below find out Grant access your Gmail account and add email second party to print document from your email as he received your email will click for confirmation and enjoy this service and if you want to deny at the same place you can delete access at any time.
  • 3)   For example you are using desk top computer then in Gmail account you can meet an option schedule then save your favorite time for net time send your email.
  • 4)   If you have created an email and now want to change it but you are fearing that if I create another email will check both daily then you can way out from this problem by adding new emails Go to settings and choose Forwarding POP/IMAP then add a forwarding email address at the below forwarding section by completing this settings you will have to check only one new emails not olds in new generated email will come all emails.
  • 5)   Some time many people make a tour to different place in vacation now you can setting and customize your Gmail account click on Gmail settings then go to General and below choose (Vacation Responder On ) and set your time of your leave in this period all email reply will go by your custom message. Like can write Thanks for you sending email

Dear sir /mam
I am on the leave of this time will contact shortly with you .

Warm Regards/

Gmail Shortcuts for Desktop -

1- Compose - c
2- Send -  Ctrl + Enter
3- Reply -  r
4- Forward -  f
5- Search mail - /
6- Open "move to" menu - v
7- Delete - #
8-  Insert a link  - Ctrl + k
9-  Undo last action z
10 - Open keyboard shortcut help - ?